Pacfic poker
Pacific Poker is operated by Cassava Enterprises (Gibraltar) Ltd. which also owns and operates Casino-on-Net (the www.888.com) so you can also play casino games as well.
****Special offer**** Take a chance and WIN!
888.com's Pacific Poker invites you to take part in our exclusive Better-Online-poker.com $400 Freeroll Tournament, which will take place on Saturday, March 3rd, 2007, at 15:00 PPT*. Only Pacific Poker real money players can enter this restricted freeroll tournament for FREE! All you have to do is accumulate 100 or more bonus points by the end of February.
*Pacific Poker Time (CET -5 hours)

See what the excitement’s all about! You’ll be able to play in this restricted tournament absolutely FREE! So, why wait? Enter this exclusive freeroll and enjoy playing at Pacific Poker – the world’s best poker room, where you can WIN BIG!
Start playing at Pacific Poker today and receive a 25% first deposit bonus, up to $100!
We want to be the best source for online poker information on the net. To do so we want to encourage you to write to us regarding any comments and questions you might have. This web site has a lot of poker related information in it. Please browse it freely. We continualy update the site to include more online poker related information, articles, tips, rules and strategies.
Online Poker is the fastest growing Internet industry today. The poker marked is hugh, with as many as million and a half poker players playing at online card rooms. Major brands control the market today, some operating from offshore locations such as Antigua and Costa Rica.
 One of the most reliable poker sites is Pacific Poker. It has a very large poker players database, so you can be sure to play anytime of the day with fellow Poker players from all around the world. Try it, you would love playing online poker at Pacific Poker.
 Click to play at pacfic poker
This is probably the best site for a player who doesn't want to risk much money. Pacific Poker is run by the largest online casino: Casino-on-Net, and that is the main reason why the games are quite good. The games are very loose and the stakes range from $15/$30 down to $.05/$0.10 games which are good for beginner who don't want to play with fake money. The sit N go's have buy-ins that range from $2.50 to $100 and the multi-table buy-ins range from $1 to $100. Their signup bonus is good, it is 25% up to $100. They also give you comp points for your play, for every $10 you wager, you earn one point for every 100 points, you earn a free dollar. Player volume is very good, on peak hours 2000-2500 real money players and 4000 tournament players play simultaneously, which is among the top 5 sites. Most cash game traffic is concentrated towards the fixed limit Texas Hold’em games. There are also Omaha and Seven-Card Stud games being spread.
The rake is standard for the industry with a 5% max $3.
Their software is not the to level. The games a bit slow, though this may be nice for beginners. They have their software available in both flash version and downloadable. If you use a Mac, this is one of the few poker rooms you can play.
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