Gambling industry expanding and Players who use gambling strategies
Written By: Dave
Saturday, January 28, 2006
What does the word "Gamble" mean to you?
For the average player the word "gambling" means much more than a risky bet. It can stand for just about anything from vacationing, Las Vegas, and even fun. Devised earlier than 3000 years ago, gambling was well documented to have existed in many civilizations. The games we know today are the incarnations of former ones, with adjusted rules. For the length of time gambling was invented, players have always seemed obsessed with trying to use various gambling strategies for games. However, Casinos have always had the mathematical advantage along with an adamant need for stopping the smart player. It has forever become a vicious cycle of exploitive players vs. casinos catching up.
Today, gambling doesn't even need to be played at Las Vegas or any other casino chains.
Now for those of you who live under rocks or live in a time warp may say, "Wait....outside of Casinos?"
Well you see...
1. In-flight Gambling: Eflyte has been developing in-flight gaming and continues to spread its influence on many airlines. Currently they have the world's first Multiplayer Poker Tournament along with over 60 games for airplanes. Ceo of Ryanair will also attempt use in-flight gaming by next year. Now casino gambling may be common on cruises, but it's a breakthrough for airlines.
2. Mobile phones can also be used to buy lotteries and sports betting nowadays. If certain restrictions are lifted, it could even mean much more growth in its use.
3. Internet Casinos are also another medium in which gambling doesn't seem to stop growing; despite being forced to open offshore from the US. This isn't necessarily bad of course.
The gambling industry is on a growing trend and it doesn't seem to stop anywhere in sight. Of course, this naturally means that more and more people will be hooked and continue losing to the casinos.
Even the strategic players are screwed over at times with certain technologies being developed. Some casinos even started to implement tracking devices in chips to catch card counters. Those days of Ken Uston and counting machines are getting harder to come by since casinos already know about the gambling strategies used. New mediums such as electronic gambling can stop card counting dead in it's track.
Winning through strategy can still be done, just as internet marketing can still make some rich. Yet being particular savvy to news and gambling strategy alike can immensely help the professional gambler. That is, unless gambling is only treated as a simple recreation. Otherwise, the best a player can do is to read up on forums and reference news sources for any changes in their gambling strategy.
About the Author
Owner of a gambling strategy site known as Covering gambling news, blackjack, casinos, sports betting, bonus hunting, and more.
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