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  1. BG Room -
    BG is the name, BackGammon is the game!
    BG room is a website for online backgammon games, either for play money or for real money.

    Launched on 2006, this site is relatively new in the business so there would not be too many players online compared to other Backgammon platforms. However, if you are looking for easy games this place might just be for you.  Read more

  2. Play 65 -
    You will understand why people all over the world use their minds and have great fun while competing in their tournaments and head to head games
    Playing for fun is free. The overall quality of competition is not quite as high as on the money side of the site, but there are still some very good players there. The online Backgammon software at Play65 is the best we have ever seen. You will understand why people all over the world use their minds and have great fun while competing in their tournaments and head to head games. Open a new account and get $2 Free, no deposit necessary.  Read more

  3. Gammon Empire -
    Join the biggest Backgammon club on the net. Get $2 free bonus for verifying your email.
    Through GammonEmpire, you can learn more about backgammon, improve your skills, meet new people and last but not least: Make a lot of money by beating other people in your favorite game!
    GammonEmpire is the second largest Backgammon site, GammonEmpire is all about bringing the Backgammon enthusiasm and excitement to people worldwide, enabling professional and amateur players to play against each other in a geographically boundless environment. The software graphics are nice and clear and the functionality is good.  Read more

  4. 888 Backgammon -
    The world's #1 casino now has backgammon as well.
    888 Backgammon is the new member of the ones that already brought us 888 casino and pacific poker.  Read more

  5. Party Backgammon -
    The first backgammon tournament ever to feature a guaranteed $1 million in prize money! owns and operates its own proprietary backgammon software, which enables the company to respond quickly to competitive challenges. is making history with the first backgammon tournament ever to feature a guaranteed $1 million in prize money! Qualify online exclusively at and you could win one of 64 tournament prize packages worth $12,500!  Read more

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